330. The Flower Evolution | FlowerLounge Podcast | Katie Hess | Phoenix, AZ


My Garden Journal

Welcome to the Green Organic Garden Podcast.

Today. It is Friday, July 24th, 2020.

And I have a guest, I know you are going to love her. You are going to learn things that I have never had any idea. She’s written the most beautiful books. If you get it, make sure you go to Amazon and leave it a five star review or a review, you know, anyway, because it is just, it is show informative and it’s so powerful and it’s about flowers and I love it.




Katie Hess

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The FlowerLounge Podcast

Flowerevolution- Blooming into Your Full Potential with the Magic of Flowers

Flowerevolution: Blooming into Your Full Potential with the Magic of Flowers

And she has a podcast. You’re gonna love that. So from the flower lounge podcast and author of flower revolution here today is Katie has to dazzle us and just share. She’s gonna drop tons of golden seeds. So welcome to the show, Katie, thank you so much. It’s such a joy to be here, Jackie. Oh, well, I am just, I’m just touch. I could not believe it. When I opened the package that you sent me in this amazing full color hardcover book, all about flowers and all sorts of things.

I had no idea about flowers and just like listening to your podcast and learning about all the places you’ve studied and all the things that you’ve done. It’s just amazing. So go ahead and tell us a little bit about yourself.

In love with people

Yeah, so I it’s funny. It was when I was a kid, I, you know, enjoy nature and played in my mom’s gardens, but I had never thought that I would actually work later in life in some sort of profession, some capacity around flowers. So I feel really lucky. I started out, let’s see, I studied sociology. So I was just like in love with people.

And when I graduated college, I was searching for how would I help people reach their full potential? And I started studying natural remedies and I learned that while I ran into a teacher or an expert in flower essences from Madrid, Spain, and I just sort of fell in love because I mean, I love all things, plant medicine, like herbs and tinctures and teas and essential oils, but this was like a whole new concept for me.

Flower Essences Expert Teacher

And he was teaching about how every flower on the planet has a really specific, you know, thing that it does like action that it does for our emotional mental States. And that, you know, the thing Jackie, that he said that really got me was he said, if, if 3% of the world’s population were actively taking these flower essences, it would create so much positivity through the ripple effect that it would change the outcome of the future.

And you could, you could probably argue the same with gardening.

If we had a higher percentage of people in the world doing gardening, that we would have a happier planet and the same is true with flower remedies. So I just, I got super intrigued.

And then when I came back to the U.S. I realized that nobody really knew what they were, this is 20 years ago. So meditation wasn’t cool yet. And, and so, you know, it’s been a long road. I’ve been in business for 20 years, working with flowers.

The first decade I spent working with people one on one, and we’d look at like what was happening in their life, where they wanted to be, what wasn’t working. And then I would work with them, you know, give them customized flower remedies.

The second 10 years, I taught myself how to be an entrepreneur and how to take this sort of wild and weird concept of the life force of flowers and how they make you feel, how to bottle it, market it, you know, be able to tell the story and connect the dots for people. So that’s been the last 10 years building a team expanding around the world.

Well, I know we are going to learn a ton today. So I always kind of start my show asking about people’s first, like, experience in the garden, but do you want to talk to us about like your first experience with nature and forging and collecting flowers? Like, were you a kid, were you an adult? Like where did that come from?

Thankful for people gardening with kids

So, yeah, I mean, when I was, I actually, I owe it all to my mom. If, if any of your listeners have kids and you’re gardening or kids or grandkids, I would commend you. You’re doing a tremendous service to the world because that’s really where I learned to really appreciate nature was in my mom’s garden.

So when I was really little, we lived in Minneapolis and she had just like, Oh my God, you know, fuchsia and water hyacinths and water gardens and peonies and Lily of the Valley.

And we had a big pine tree and I’d climb up the pine tree and get all sticky and sappy. And she had gardens all throughout, you know, me growing up. And that really taught me to appreciate growing things and the beauty of flowers.

And she was also a Forester.

So she would take me on walks and she would start, you know, at a very young age showing me how to identify things. Like I remember her showing me a winter green leaf and we break one off and open it up and you’d be like, Oh, it’s just like in this cloud of wintergreen smell, you know, as a kid, it’s just like, wow, this leaf looks like a little, nothing, and then it’s so amazing.

So she really also taught me the beauty of, you know, being in the wild and looking at lady slippers and collecting Morel mushrooms and wild blueberries. And I think it, it, you know, as an only child, the trees and the flowers and the forest were really like my best friends and that’s really where it all started.

I love all of that. And just like, I know the memories of being with your parents and going on those nature walks and going with your family and being, seeing all those flowers, like I still remember climbing my favorite shoe.

I was even looking at our AppleTree yesterday and thinking about claiming we had a Dogwood tree that I would just do flip after flip, after flip between these two branches of, and the only thing I was going to say that, like what you were saying about gardeners, what you’re doing is, you know, a really honorable thing with your kids and grandkids is that I haven’t said this in a while, but I used to say it a lot at the beginning of the show.

Embrace the Resistance

Like if your kids, for sure, they’re teenagers are showing some kind of like resistance, just like the best thing you can do is just keep sharing your passion. Don’t push anything on them. And you will be surprised at how much time they end up spending in the garden as an adult, because of that, like, I’ve talked to so many people that are like, I hate a garden when I was a kid.

I’m totally like my mom’s like, how do you have a gardening show? And in the meantime, this summer, I planted my very first broccoli seedlings and they’re growing. They’re like popping out of the dirt.

And one of them’s like almost a half inch tall. Cause I just planted them on like, I think the 17th and just, it’s just so cool. Like I never thought I would ever plant a broccoli now, we’ll see. Do I really get broccoli out of them? Come, you know, they’ll probably be ready October.

My husband’s like, I don’t understand why you’re planting broccoli seeds. Now. He’s like, you should have done that two months ago, but we’re harvesting all the broccoli that we planted. Like it’s, it’s pretty much done. There’s no broccoli growing after, like I need to get down there. And Mike’s like, you got to pick that broccoli and get it in the freezer. Anyway,

A good point, Jackie, that, that a lot of it comes through food because I remember, you know, picking fresh beans off of mines and picking fresh raspberries out of my mom’s garden. And there’s something about, there’s like a real connect, I think for kids around food, you know, there’s the, of course there’s the beauty of flowers, but like how cool is that, that you can go out there, pick your broccoli, saute it at night, eat it. And you didn’t have to go to the store.

Like there’s a real sense of empowerment around.

Wow. Like you grew that you cook that, you know, I think that, that that’s a real connect for kids on a level that they might not be able to understand when they’re younger, but they know where food comes from. Right. You know, like you heard about kids in the inner city who just like, see the fruits and stuff on the shelf and don’t really know where it came from.

So yeah, gardening is, is a really powerful teaching tool just by showing by example.

And two quick things I’m want to say about that. One of the amazing things is how much the bees are loving the flowers on the couple of broccoli’s that have gone to flower. Like they are just totally out there. And then the other thing I was going to say is we’re going to learn a ton about flowers.

So if you don’t want to grow vegetables, because that is a whole other learning curve, I bet by the end of the show, you are going to be inspired to have some beautiful flowers growing in your garden or your oasis or your landscape. 

FBI Agent Story

Because I had no idea. Like one of the stories I love is the one about the FBI agent who studied polygraphs. And then he goes in and then what he like attaches the plant. So the polygraph and like the plant shows, like even when somebody goes on vacation, like they can tell what’s going on. Like they’re showing them this polygraph thing. Like that was just amazing to me.

Isn’t that wild. Yeah. It’s a study that showed, I mean, through his work that he’s a CIA agent, he was like, so good at polygraph that he was teaching people how to use. And you just got curious one night, you know, I could just imagine the guy sitting in his office looking at his philodendron plants, like, Hmm, what’s going to happen if I connect this to the plant?

Symbiotic relationship

And then like you said, yeah, he found that we’re so in tune or rather the plants are so in tune with us, their caretakers. And I don’t know who takes care of who better. It’s a symbiotic relationship, but they’re aware of our stress levels.

So, you know, people go on vacation and the polygraph would register when that human being had stress, even though there were hundreds of miles apart, they also showed that plants could identify essentially the murder in the room, you know, that they had this experiment where someone came through and harmed a plant.

And then, you know, they had several people walk through the room and all the plants were able to register on the machine when the, you know, the perpetrator came through the room.

So I think there’s, you know, studies like that are fun and funny and show us that there’s a whole level of intelligence that we can tap into that might not be apparent, you know, because they’re just operating at a different pace than we are.

You know, when you mentioned bees, one thing that came to mind with bees is that of the latest research coming out of the UK, there’s a study, particularly coming out of the University of Bristol, where they show that these actually aren’t attracted to flowers based on color or scent, like we had thought. And that there actually is this very subtle electrical vibration that’s being emitted from the flowers.

And so the bees and the flowers are so communicating, the little hairs on the bees legs are picking up these electrical impulses and actually having this dynamic communication together about pollination, you know, I’ve been pollinated or I’m ready or whatever other things they communicate about.

And just because we don’t feel those electrical impulses on the hairs, on our legs, you know, it doesn’t mean that they’re, they’re not happening.

And so, how crazy is it to think when you look at your garden, if you could see what the bees or feel what the bees feel, it’s almost like the movie avatar, you know, it’s like, I call it floral life <inaudible>?

That’s what I was thinking about when you were saying that?

like every flower is admitting this really gentle, soft essentially song, right? Every flower has got a different song. And so when you’re, when you’re gardening, you’re spending time in nature, you’re essentially bathing yourself in the music of nature, even though we can’t hear it.

Forest Bathing

And they’ve done those studies in medical schools in Tokyo showing tremendous benefits of forest bathing, which you can apply to gardening. So if anybody ever gives you trouble for spending too much time gardening, you just think back to the studies in Japan, they show that a forest bathing.

So essentially, you know, you could translate that to being in your garden, reduces cortisol levels, adrenaline, you know, so your stress is dramatically reduced and increases white blood cells, meaning that it boosts your immune system.

But the coolest thing is that there’s an exponential power to it.

So they found that if you spend one day in the forest AK one day in your garden, those elevated wellness effects lasts in your body for a week. And if you do it for a weekend, it lasts in your body for a month. So we’re talking about, you know, real health benefits, your garden is your insurance policy, essentially.

And I think also we’re going to talk a little bit about forging today too, but that’s so true. My friend Dacia has this blog called Simply Josephine. And she does a lot of, you know, she makes like natural medicines and selves and tinctures and different things and she’s always collecting and she’s like the healthiest person. I know. I mean, she’s just like the epitome of the organic life just.

But anyway, well, do you want to tell us about your spirit with gardening?

Yeah. I mean, gardening, let’s see. I, I usually tell people that I, didn’t not somehow didn’t inherit my mom’s green thumbs and fingers, and that might be true, or it may be that I just haven’t had enough practice, but I have a much more fiery personality.

She is much more earthy and I watch her with plants and she can, you know, pinch them and prod them and pluck and, and they just like go crazy in her presence. You know, they just bloom and expand and grow. And she has that thing.

My quality is more fiery.

I had a teacher tell me once that, you know, don’t touch my plants, you’re burning them. So typically fiery people are better at making medicines. And so that’s more sort of my realm of expertise. I have grown some flowers that we made essences out of really cool stuff like running Iris. I grew an avocado tree once.

My gardening is kind of like by mistake, but you know, right now I live in Phoenix, Arizona and the ground is like concrete.It’s so hard. So I spend more time going out into the wild to look for unique and different flowers and make remedies from them so that people can bring nature into their daily lives. And maybe later in my life, when I’m in a more lush place, I’ll actually develop some gardening skills.

Well, I’ll tell you, since I started my podcast, I’ve gone from brown thumb to green thumb. So, but there’s no hurry. And you’re, I love hearing your like little adventures of going into the woods and doing this and doing that and picking that on your podcast.

So why don’t you share some of that with listeners? Like where do you collect your flowers? Like how do know where to go, and especially, you know, living in a place like that, where the soil is really hard to grow growing, maybe listeners will be interested to know that they can go collect flowers or things like that.

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. It started, you know, I started first collecting with whatever flowers I saw around here in this region and then California, and then it expanded to the rest of the United States. And then I started traveling around the world, because I thought, you know, every environment has something unique to teach and the more I travel and the more I experienced different environments and sort of like floral or botanical landscapes, every place has something different to teach.

And this isn’t to say that you have to travel. I don’t believe that. I believe that some of the most powerful and needed remedies are just right there in your backyard. And oftentimes you’ll even see, you know, by the power of miracle, you know, seeds, just landing in your yard, a wild flowers, just pop up in your backyard. And I always see that as a gift. And typically whatever pops up that you didn’t expect is exactly what you need. And it’s like mother nature put it there for a purpose to support you.

Traveling Southeast Asia

But in traveling, I’ve seen that, you know, for example, places like Southeast Asia, the, the botanical landscape really lends itself to remedies that support us in abundance mentality. I mean, you know, you plants, there will just like, if left on tame, they just like swallow buildings, right? And so it’s, it’s this sort of making things happen and action and abundance.

Traveling in Iceland

Whereas places like Iceland where, you know, they say, if you get lost in Iceland, just stand up. Cause there aren’t any trees, but there are,I didn’t know that. That’s like a, one of the places I want to go in my lifetime. I want to go cross country skiing, Iceland.

Oh, that’d be amazing. Yeah. It’s, it’s an exquisite place and the flowers and the orchids there seem to all be about curiosity and wonder and waking up this kind of childlike perspective of the world. So, you know, different regions can teach you different things about yourself or reflect different aspects of you back to yourself.

In Arizona

Lately, you know, I’ve been kind of stuck. I was supposed to go to Asia this summer, but because of everything going on, I’ve been staying in Arizona and that’s actually given me an opportunity to take a look around Arizona and see some of the interesting things growing here.

About a month ago, we went up to outside of Flagstaff and drove way up into the aspens and the Pines above about 8,500 feet. And there this unbelievable forest orchid up there, you know, it’s like one of those things that if you’re, you’re not looking, you don’t see it. And then once you see one they’re everywhere and it’s this kind of bright, yellow and red orchid just popping right up from the ground.

Terrestrial Orchid

It’s not a, it’s not an air orchid. It’s a, like a terrestrial orchid coming out of the ground. And that was so beautiful and fascinating to see. It’s nice to look around locally and see what unique things are here too. And it felt like perfect timing because that particular flower has the ability to help us be more openminded and not feel like we need to change people’s minds. You know, there’s so many different things going on. We often feel like we just want to like help people, see what we see.

And that particular orchid just helps us accept and love people as they are without feeling like we need to change their minds or help them see, or, you know, save, save them in some way, which we can probably all relate to. If somebody in our family,

My mom is she’s listening. She’s probably like Yeah. Could you save my daughter, my family, you know, I’m a loss black sheep. So anyway

Me either,

I’m like, I sit in my garden every night and I’m just so thankful. And so like how, how lucky am I? It’s so beautiful. And so I was like doing like the little journal thing last night about, you know, just wander around your garden and see what flower picks out to you.

And it was so interesting cause I thought it was probably the broccoli flower, those little flowers that the bees like that was what I kind of decided on after I sat there for a while and kind of meditated on it and was like sitting there thinking about all the different flowers growing. And definitely last night I felt like this kinship to those little yellow broccoli flowers that the bees were all just hovering around.

And you know, normally I wouldn’t even really think about that, but I’m curious about like, so you sent me some flower essences and like, I, to be honest with you, I don’t, which is funny.

Cause I showed her my stepdaughter and she’s totally, she’s the first one that taught me about Bach remedies. And she was like, Oh my gosh, I’m ordering the truth teller right now. And just, she, she was just, she loves it and knows a lot about it, but I still am not sure like what to do with these remedies.

These essences that you sent, so do you want, tell us like what are following flower essences and how do they work and what’s the science behind it?

Flower Essences

Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Okay. So if we just look at historical context context and we just dial it back, these things have been around forever. You know, we just, we just didn’t necessarily grow up with them. If you look at Aborigines in Australia, they were drinking. The Dew drops off the tops of Bush lollies. If you at the yogis and yoginis in the Himalayas, they would do these long, fascinating retreats by themselves in caves. And they would eat this substance called Toulon, which is essentially the concentrated life force of plants, flowers, and gemstones.

Central America

If you look at Central America, they have a practice called spiritual bathing where, you know, whether it’s midwives or medicine, women in the community would identify certain like major transformational points in your life, whether it be birth or something else. And you would pick out the flowers you’re most drawn to, it’s soak them in water in the sunlight and then eventually dump them over your head.

European History

Then we see in Europe, 14, 15, 16th century alchemists and doctors beginning to prescribe their patients to go out into the wild and drink.The Dew drops from off the tops of specific flowers.

Edward Bach

And then in the thirties, that’s when we see Edward Bach come into the picture and he was fantastic because he figured out a way to scale it, right? Because to go out every morning and drink the dewdrops super romantic. But like if you live in the desert, like I do, we don’t even have to. So Edward Bach was a doctor first. He was a, you know, just a regular MD. And he got discouraged about something about allopathic medicine.

He felt like it was limited in some way. So then he went to study homeopathic medicine and then you kind of disillusioned with that and felt like there were too many limitations.

And then he just turned to his garden in his backyard and he ended up developing the first 40 flower remedies, essentially finding a way to collect the life force essence from flowers and bottle them up, essentially why the flower, because that’s where most of the energy is in a plant is in their reproductive system.

Solar Infusion

If it’s a tree you can work with like baby shoots, but typically flowers are what are used. And it’s done through a process called solar infusion. It’s a really simple process with sunlight and water. Sunlight is the catalyst that sort of like drives the energy or the life force or, or whatever you want to call it.

The healing qualities of the flower into the water, the water acts somewhat like a recording device.

It’s kind of like, you know, the rainbowy material on a CD or DVD, or like the magnetic tape on cassette, like cassette tape.

It can store information and water source information. And then you add alcohol, which preserves it over time.

And essentially that’s like putting a flower of okay, a garden and a bottle.

And then, you know, how does that actually work?

Well when you take it internally or you put it around your, on your skin, it starts to harmonize own body’s energies. If you look at something like acupuncture, right?

Far East

For over 3000 years, some people say actually five or 6,000 years in, in, in the Far East, they were putting needles in specific points on your body to eliminate stagnant seas and open up energy flow. So it’s like the Meridian system are like real ways or roadways in your body.

And so flower essences are like essentially kind of like acupuncture without the needles. You can harmonize your body’s energy that becomes out of whack.

You know, and for many reasons, like we live in this modern life that maybe in the past, people could get by with drinking do drops, cause they didn’t need it as often.

But now, you know, we’re mostly endorsed unless, you know, your gardening, people are mostly indoors on computers, cell phones, there’s all this, you know, EMF static in space that we can’t see.

We don’t eat at the right times. You know, there are so many different reasons why we have static and so flower essences help essentially just bring us back to our natural balance.

It’s really just taking out the interference.

You know, if you think about it, that sounds weird to some people, I usually say, take a look at your cellphone. How on earth does that thing work? You know, like if you really think about it as kind of mind blowing,

Oh totally, totally!

I mean, you can send messages, you can send images, video, you can, you know, if somebody would have told you Jackie, that, you know what, as a kid, you are going to carry it around in your pocket, it’s going to have invisible waves.

And you’re going to be able to talk to somebody in Japan within the matter of 30 seconds.

Right it’s like captain Kirk’s communicator, we have.

So, I mean, we don’t question our cell phones and if they work, cause we just know they work. But when you look at mother nature, you know, the earth has been around for billions of years. And most often what we see is that mother nature has the technology before we humans figure it out.

So just because we can’t see this energy that is being emitted from nature, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. And I think that most of your listeners would agree. You know, we feel different when we’re in nature. And so flower essences are a way to bottle up the, that nice, peaceful, joyful feeling that we get and bring it into our daily lives.

Because, because of that fact, right? That’s so many people are living in doors and stressed and it’s a really nice support.

Or even I’m thinking about like, you know, I’m picturing my desk at school and like this teacher this year gave me this dried lavender and how many times I crushed those little lavender things during the school day, like during certain stressful things or just, it was just so nice to have the essence.

You know, I’m getting to spend all this time in my garden right now because it’s July, but come November and January, like it’s also a way during time, maybe in Arizona, it’s a little different, but here in Montana and lots of parts of the United States or the world, you know, you can only be in the garden during the summer months. So I think it also, you know, enables you to have it during that period of time.

Joy Juice

Absolutely. And are we send, we have a remedy called joy juice, then it’s like sunshine in a bottle and makes people laugh and tears them up. And we have several customers in, Oh, what is that called Bainbridge Island? So the Island off the coast of Seattle Washington, and they say, you know, it just, it rains and is so gray and dreary during the winter that it’s, it’s a nice way to bring in that kind of summery, sunshiny, happy feeling into, into the winter months, for sure.

Yeah. Or even you could be in the middle of the summer and have a job that really requires you to go sit in an air conditioned gree room all the time, even though it is beautiful out. So it would help it like for situations like that or just, yeah, we usually have about Montana winters are tough that way, where just, you won’t see the sun and it’s always cloudy and just can be very draining. And so it’s almost like opening that can of pickled beets, but this is the flowers.

And like, I so want to be like, if I ever am a farmer of any sort, I’m definitely going to be a flower farmer and not a vegetable farmer.

Like I just love, like I brought this lady a bouquet of flowers this morning. It was just so neat to go out there and cut this. Like it was my last Irish, but it was this beautiful, like Mike ordered these Iris bulbs from Holland, I don’t know, 10 years ago or something.

And they’re just so incredible. And then I put a tiger Lily with it and then just like some daisies and some oregano and some Tarragon just to have like some greens. And it just felt so nice to be able to bring this woman, this pretty little burst of flowers and just, I mean, I just love flowers so much and I can’t believe how much I have learned in just two weeks from studying your book and listening to your podcasts. Like I had no idea existed from the world of flowers.

Yeah. You can get a good sense of, you know, what healing qualities you may be seeking out by what you put in your garden. So, you know, like folks out there are curious, it’s very simple to figure out, like if you, if you choose something from your guard and you can literally just say like, okay, how does that make me feel? In three words, when I look at it, like what, what do I feel, or what kind of personality does that flower have?

So like, if I were to ask you, for example, if you bring that Iris to mind, how would you describe its personality or the way that it makes you feel in three words.

Iris in 3 words

Ooo, in three words?

Well, when I think of that, Iris, I mean, it’s just, it’s so delicate. I think of it being like a survivor because Iris is, I planted a lot of, because they do really well in our really dry Montana climate.

They come up through in the beginning of spring. So what’d I say delicate, like intricate in a way, I guess, because it’s like, it’s like this light blue, but when you look at it really close, it’s got all these veins and really pretty colors together. So intricate show survivor and delicate, I guess. Yeah. Those would be my three.

Yeah. So you can say that most likely in terms of like healing qualities, I mean, beauty is, is a whole other discussion, but in terms of healing qualities, if you are spending time around your irises, most likely they would be reflecting back to you, your innate qualities or like enhancing magnifying sense of delicateness, intricate or comp complexity to you, and then your ability to survive and your ability to be a survivor.

So the iris would be like reflecting your own qualities back to you. Does that make sense? That’s what you would be personally getting from your Iris flowers.


Hmm. That’s so interesting. The other one, so what I’m curious about is like the oregano, because like I’ve been, I’ve gone through these stages where I’m like, I have to get this oregano out of here and now I’m like more into embracing it and letting the bees like, because the bees love the purple oregano flowers.

It is like over cropping and I kind of have to tame it, but also like, I just am like, I am going to figure out how to embrace this oregano and like really, and then I feel like, you know, I have an attachment <inaudible> because I’m going to tell you that I put oregano in every, you know, almost everything that I cook. So just curious what you think about that?

Okay. So then let me ask you a question.

Do you feel like sometimes you have a tendency to go overboard?

Oh totally. Are you kidding?

The purple oregano flower could be helping you love those aspects of yourself. You know, there might be times where you’re like, Oh God, why did I do all that? Or why did I go over border, man? I’m just so too much. So the purple oregano flower would be helping reflect back to you, the beauty of that. And just being more self compassionate and accepting and loving of that aspect of you.

Ah, I love that. That’s so interesting. Yes. People definitely told me I’m too much sometimes. And the only thing, like I’ve been thinking about a lot this morning, like there’s like an entrepreneurial world where they’re always like, you know, ask people what are three things that they would describe you.

And so I did this a couple of years ago and I was so shocked because I thought everyone’s going to be like, Oh, you’re a techie. Oh, you’re a techie. You’re techie. And they didn’t, they all like almost, and people from like people I work with today, people I went to high school with like this diverse group of people all said I was extremely compassionate.

And it was like the last thing I expected. Like I would never call myself that. And it’s just interesting that you, that the way you said that about the oregano too. So, and then this other teacher this year, she’s like Jackie, who are the least compassionate. I was like talking about giving ourselves grace. And she’s like, you are the least compassionate person, like for yourself. Like you’re so hard on yourself all the time. I can’t imagine you’re giving yourself any grace. And I was like, really? Okay.

Yeah. Anyway, but to other people than ourselves, right?

Yeah. So, so surprising. Like, it just always shocks me when I think about that. So what do people experience when they work with these lectures? Like what could you, I think you sent me some of that joy juice, right? Isn’t that what that bottle is? Like, what, what does that do or how, how does it work? And like, I think it says on the one bottle that you do it like five times a day, but that’s the spray.

Yep. So no matter what form it’s in, we put it in a lot of different forms. The traditional form is you take it internally, doesn’t have a scent. It’s literally just like, Oh, call and water. We add honey to make it yummy. And then we also, you know, make MIS and anointing oils and blend it with her aromatherapy.

Just because when I first started, I think people thought I was crazy when I first started my business. And it was easier for me at the time, like 10 years ago to just say like, Oh, you know, if they couldn’t understand or if they thought it was too woowoo or out there that flowers have energy and could be healing, then I would just sort of lean into the aroma therapy component and say like, isn’t this a yummy smelling mist and it’s so uplifting!

And then I knew that people got the benefits of the part they couldn’t smell, you know, but they just had this beautiful centralist experience. So we do work with aroma therapy and really it’s just almost like a, another delivery system, the traditional way of taking it as internally, either way you want to use it like five times a day for the most impact.

So what I do is I usually just take the elixir and I put it in every glass of water, coffee tea that I have during the day, super easy to do and remember, or you can put it directly in the mouth. Usually people will start to notice a difference in how they feel some kind of shift in their state of mind. Within three to five days, the joy juice one works a little faster.

If you use that five times today, for example, or you just like load up all your beverages or water bottle with it, or miss yourself five times, you’ll notice that by the end of the day, you’re laughing more and making other people laugh.

It depends on the flowers, right? So every flower is for something different. Some flowers make us sleep better at night. Some help us feel calmer and more peaceful and more adaptable to stress. Some flavors help us attract love. Some, give us more energy. There are flowers that enhance our, our ability to be creative and get things done. It’s literally limitless.

I mean, there are over 40,000 flowering species of plants on this planet, any sort of issue or pattern or problem or feeling or something that you would want to solve or feel more of or feel less of guaranteed, there’s a flower for it.

And to answer your question more specifically, usually when people first start taking flower essences, they just notice sort of an overall enhanced wellbeing. You know, they feel like, wow, I’m sleeping better. I feel so much happier. I feel less irritable.

You know, that kind of edginess to life is softened, things that used to bug me. They don’t bother me anymore. So there’s just sort of just overall feeling more at ease and feeling good.

And then when taken over time, you, since you’re more stabilized, the flower essences have this ability to show you things about yourself, either that you couldn’t see that were in blind spots in a way to accelerate your personal growth and really help you.

It’s like they’re a catalyst to help you discover sides of yourself that you haven’t seen before.

This is just fascinating. I could listen to you talk for hours and hours.

Then do people like maybe they have a lot of flowers growing in their garden. Like, would they get the same benefits just from working and being in the garden?

A hundred percent. If you know, if every person on this planet was gardening, we probably wouldn’t even need flower essences.

The only thing is that it takes, you know, a certain amount of time, like if you’re in your garden hours a day, you’re you probably, you know, I mean, you can take flower essences and they would do all sorts of different kinds of things for you.

But yes, in essence, it is, it’s like you’re being balanced every time you go into your garden, like being in the dirt, being around the plants, they’re harmonizing all of the energies of your body. So yeah, essentially they, the benefits are similar. Now, if you say wanted to experience something from a flower that doesn’t grow in your region, well, then you could explore like if you’re in Montana, but you found out that, you know, Berta paradise or some other tropical flower had a benefit that you really wanted.

1 (42m 5s):

Like for example, Bird of Paradise is for people who are super creative can come up with lots of ideas, but also hard to shut it off at night. And so it can be really helpful for just quieting the mind and helping people sleep better. Maybe you don’t grow or can’t find bird of paradise, or maybe we won’t grow in your, in your zones. Right? But, but you want the benefit of that particular flower. Well then you could work with that flower essence to sort of add to the mix of what you have in your own garden. Does that make sense?

0 (42m 37s):

Yeah, absolutely. I was thinking, wasn’t there a thing about Calla Lillies You were talking about the secret detour two was the other one I was just listening to, which just sounds so powerful. And it’s maybe it might’ve stuck out to me more because I have a set of terrible chords that are like, you know, flower cards and that’s one of the cards and there, so it always kind of, it was interesting for more and more about it.


Yeah. I mean, I can run through just like a few quick flowers, colorful folks in different areas might have in their gardens and what, you know, just a quick shot of what they’re for, if any of your listeners grow peonies, peonies are for abundance. It’s like dissolving scarcity or lack mentality. You know, I don’t have enough money. I don’t, you know, if I excel or have success, then someone else will take away from them. It totally abolishes that pattern. And just allows us to have more abundance in our lives.


Lilac is very good for flexibility and adaptability to changes.

Trumpet vine.

Now this is going to be a different, I’m trying to pick flowers that could be in different parts of the country. If you have a trumpet vine flower, it’s for enhancing your communication, being able to communicate more clearly and smoothly.


If you like to grow daisies, daisies are typically about freedom and fun and play and letting your inner child play more.


If you love Jasmine like night blooming, Jasmine is usually about being able to fall in love with yourself and your own appearance versus like kind of nitpicking on yourself, or, you know, something about your appearance that you don’t like. It helps you appreciate your own beauty.

Can you think of any other flowers that are really common that pomegranate, I mean, you probably have listeners from all over the place and they’re all just growing different things in their own areas. Right?

0 (44m 50s):

Sure. I guess I was thinking like in gardens, a lot of the big companion plants are like either marigolds or calendulas or nasturtiums.


Nasturtiums I am very familiar with it’s good for spontaneity. It’s like, it’s kind of like, you know how the flower is kind of spicy. It’s like that it’s like spicing up your life. If you know, when you’re feeling, we’ve all had those days where we’re just like, Oh, same old thing today.

Like we just suddenly feel like everything feels like a routine. And we, we just want to like go on vacation or take a trip or drive down a different road. Like we find that we drive the same road, the whole, you know, every day. So it really invites spontaneity and the joy of discovery.

So this is what’s going through my mind of course is your same as like, so if I’m somebody and I want my partner or my spouse to be more spontaneous, like if I sprinkled those flowers in the salad or something that they’re going to eat, is that going to help

For sure. Yeah. To make it even more powerful. If you could get an assertion, flower, essence, and spike the salad, dressing and spike their water and their ice tea, then it would have a sort of more compounded, exponential effect.

Okay. Listeners just remember be careful what you wish for. You might just get it. Are you sure? You really want a spontaneous

Crazy with you, Jackie? Yeah. Okay. So also what I noticed early on from working with people is yes, it’s okay to spike your spouse’s drink. I feel like if it’s done, you know, with a good heart and you really just want what’s best for everyone, like absolutely go for it. They don’t need to know. I don’t have any bad conscious about that.

But one thing I will say is I discovered early on that when we take far residences ourselves, the people that are close to us around us also feel the difference and start to shift. And I think that’s what my flower essence teacher was alluding to 20 years ago when he said to me that if you know, 3% of the world’s population, we would create this ripple effect to positivity. So what I saw over the years of working with people, one on one was crazy.

Like I would have women come in and, and they would start taking flower essences for self-love. Right. They would say like, Oh my relationship’s on the rocks. Or like, I’m so irritated by my husband. Or like, he’s always busy and he never pays attention to me. And they would start taking flower essences for self-love and then they’d come back a month later and be like, my husband bought me a dozen roses. He hasn’t done that in years.

So it, it is very curious that, you know, what comes first, the egg or the chicken it’s like, we start noticing or feeling different. They feel the difference in us. They respond differently. And also just energetically it rubs off on them. Like I’ve had women tell me I’ve taken flower essences for five years. And I have no doubt that my partner has changed because just they alone, I’ve taken flower essences. Isn’t that fascinating?

The Land of the Blue Flower

Yeah. I mean, it kind of makes sense. It reminds me of this book called the land of the blue flower in some ways, I don’t know if you’ve ever seen that book, but it’s kind of about this King who rules over this really poor dreary kingdom. And he’s, he makes this commandment that everybody has to grow a blue flower. And the people is amazing how the village changes, where they’re like sharing their tips. And this is what’s going here and this is what’s going there. And just, it’s the most beautiful story.


And it totally makes sense. And especially like, I am definitely a person who believes in a world of abundance, but our society as a whole does not, you know, it’s like, Oh, don’t take my piece of the pie. There’s not a pie. I’ve got to protect my pie. You know, we live in a world of scarcity, but I think that nothing could be better than if we could all move towards a world of abundance and believing in being able to share these things. And I think that’s a huge part of it is that loving yourself.

I mean, I was just listening to a podcast the other day where the person was talking about, if you’re not giving your own, you know, you’re not taking carrier shit, not doing enough of your own self care. You’re not going to have anything to go around.

And so maybe that person that was taking those essences, her husband gave her flowers because she found that she was, she was actually doing more for him because she was feeling better about herself and having more self-love and didn’t even realize that she was putting out more kind things towards her husband, or maybe he didn’t didn’t even really, maybe she had been also negative to her husband and didn’t even realize it. I don’t know.

Yeah, no, you’re right. It creates this kind of snowball effect where it’s just like more good pile on top of more good attracting, more good and just good all around. It’s like an abundance of goodness.

Yeah. I totally believe in those kinds of things.

When you smile at somebody or someone who smiles at you unexpectedly, and it just changes your whole mood and changes your whole day and then everything from that point on it’s changed. Right? Because that one person smiled at you.

Oh, it’s so amazing. Like some things about confidence, just like I’m, I’m amazed at sometimes like how all of a sudden I could have energy where I can like bounce off the walls. And I think I’m never going to heat again. I’m so happy. And like, I have no desire to eat food and just, and, and how that moment can just change everything when just, yeah, one little thing comes along.

And on the flip side, you know how easily you can get depressed and sad one, just like one little thing. So it’s nice that we, to be able to have something in a bottle for when you’re having some of those sad, you know, those moments, if you could be able to drink some joy or tell me about the truth teller.

Cause I’m like, so curious about that. And then when my stepdaughter called me, she’s like, I’m ordering the truth teller lecture right now. And I was like, well, what is it do? But she just texted me. And so I never really got to find out, like, what is it about this? What, what does that do?

Truth Teller

Yeah. So it’s got four different flowers in there for helping us communicate better, but it also has this effect of it has the Gravellia flower in there, which is for, you know, sometimes we don’t say things because we’re afraid of hurting people’s feelings or, you know, I grew up in the Midwest where we just beat around the bush way too much. And it could probably help if we were just a little more direct and this scribbly of flower, it is amazing.

Every time I take it, I notice myself saying things that I wouldn’t normally say and in my brain, right. Like as it leaves my mouth, my brain is going, Oh my God, I can’t believe I just said that, Whoa, that’s unusual. And then I’m looking at the other person I’m like, but they seem, okay.

So it has this capacity to kind of help us be more power, more powerful, communicators, more direct, be able to speak our truth, but not really be attached to how it’s going to land.

Royal Poincinana

And what else is in there? Royal Poinciana. It’s like a flame of the forest. It grows on a tree. And that’s also for helping us ask for what we want. Sometimes it’s just hard for us as humans to ask for what we want. You know, I think we probably even just like a simple example, like what if you’re at a restaurant and somebody brings you the wrong food or something isn’t to your liking, you have those people who are very good at saying, Hey, this isn’t actually what I wanted it to be. And then, you know, you have other people who are like, Oh gosh, it’s fine.

I’ll just, I’ll just go with this. So that’s kind of a silly example.

Worse than that, the big example I was thinking about is this commercial they have on the public television or whatever about the woman. And she’s like, I want my burger me with lettuce and you know, no tomato and this, and she’s got like 6,000 things about her burger that she wants, but then she goes to her doctor and the doctor’s like, how are you been feeling? And she’s like, fine. Well, what, Nope. Okay. And like just totally afraid to say anything to her doctor, you know, where it really counts.

And so this would be, you know, good for situations like that. Or just like, I have certainly been in plenty of positions where I have not stood up for myself anywhere near enough. And then later on down the road been like, Oh, I should’ve explained that better. I should have like, you know, told the person, I’m frequently told that I principals have no idea what I’m talking.

And I think they think one thing and they are thinking something completely different. And just, you know, there’s that lack of communication there that if I would have stood up and explain, well, this is why I’m doing this. And this is what my thinking is. Their thinking is completely different.


I think communication is a hard thing for us. I think. I mean, it’s definitely, I can speak from personal experience. It’s probably the pattern that has been the most challenging for me over the years. You know, something that started as, as I was a kid and I, I have worked on it my entire life in my business. I’ve had to fire people and that is that kind of thing is really hard. Or, you know, to, to, to say things, to inspire people, to work better clearer.

It’s hard to do that. I think. And our culture becomes increasingly and more sort of like politically correct. We feel clipped. We feel like we’re not able to express ourselves. You know, there isn’t as much diversity of understanding.

I remember when I was a kid, when I was 16, I was an exchange student in Germany. And it was so interesting because people there at the time, I don’t know if it’s still that way in Germany, but they just loved to argue and debate.

So like for example, they would have these like long drawn out debates about, you know, stuff in their culture or society or politics or, you know, and people would just kind of like go on and on and on. And then they like, you know, cheers and drink their beer together.

Like it was never a situation where people were like, Oh, I can’t talk to you anymore because of who you voted for. Right? And I think we now live in a culture where people are really afraid to speak up and they’re just afraid to say what they feel is right for them.

And so I think that remedies or flowers that help us just like, be able to express ourselves can be really helpful, not necessarily for, you know, going out and like offending people. But it’s really about being able to express ourselves clearly asked for what we want and, and be okay with ourselves and whatever it is that we’re asking for that we’re communicating.

Katie I feel like you’ve been dropping tons of golden seeds and people are learning all sorts of things that they probably had no idea that flowers could do for us and flowers that are growing in our gardens right now. And maybe they’re getting some ideas for flowers they want to growing later,

Or they’re going to be like going through their garden tonight and be like, wow, that flower makes me feel this way. I had no idea. And that’s another thing I love about your book is you’re always like, there’s no pressure. Trust me. It’s going to work. If you feel that way, then that’s the right thing that you’re supposed to be feeling and getting from that flower and just, you know, I love that part about it and just,

Uh, there’s so many things. I mean, the pictures are beautiful. The descriptions that I love any kind of book where it’s got like spaces for me to write him because I’m a natural journalist and I just love those kinds of things. And, and again, I just feel like I’ve learned a ton. I don’t know. Is there anything else that you wanted to talk about that we haven’t before we get to like getting to the root of things or?

Let’s get to the root of things. Okay.

So do you have a favorite recipe you like to cook or eat from the garden?

I have a few. I put some in the book that are really specifically delicious. Like, like you said, the nasturtiums, I love putting edible flowers in salads. It’s like such an easy way to kind of dress things up and spice things up, have a recipe for goat cheese filled squash blossoms, which is just totally divine and then lavender shortbread cookies.Oh, my mom makes those,

Does she really? Yeah.

And it’s this isn’t a flower, but Rosemary’s really good too. Who would’ve thought that Rosemary is so good in desserts, like cookies, but it’s quite lovely. And then also say, you know what, this isn’t a food recipe, but it’s sort of like a, you could call it like a ritual or a recipe for happiness.

One thing you can do with the flowers in your garden, if there are certain flowers that you’re just absolutely in love with is as long as you know, that they’re not super duper poisonous.

Like some of the Romansia de Tura is, you know, the really super poisonous flowers, as long as they’re just a safe and gentle flowers, you can cut them and soak them in water.

Flower Water

So like a glass bowl. So cause I’m in water, in the sunlight for like an hour or two or three, you know, maybe you’re out there working in your garden and you just have them soaking in the water. That water essentially is like a flower essence or what the beginning of what a flower essence would be. Usually when we bottle it up, it goes through several dilutions.

So there aren’t any more plant parts in the water, but that’s sort of like the beginning of an essence or the mother essence as we call it. And you can then take that water and dump it over your head to get more of the benefits.

Flower Bath

If you’re wearing a bathing suit or you can dump it into a bath. And it’s a really, it’s a really wonderful way to Mark transitions or to make a wish or a prayer. Or if there’s something that you want to shift or change, you can go into your garden and say like, okay, which flower are they’re going to help me do that? And you’d be surprised at how different you feel after that.

I totally, I love that. That sounds like awesome because I spend a lot of time in my garden in the evenings and I’m kind of, you know, I spend so much time on my computer, this year, this summer I happened to be working for a podcaster. And then this week I picked up another job on helping transcribe podcasts besides for a different person.

So my eyes are just like burning by the time I go to the garden in the evening. And just, that just sounds so lovely to like, have something soaking there and then to either, you know, be in it or to just pour it over my, I can totally see me doing that just right in my garden.

Last night, I came in soaking wet and had to change my jeans because I don’t know what happened, but I just got, I think I was like weeding near where the sprinkler was going off. And just like at one point I was like, Oh my gosh, my pants are soaked! So anyway, you know how you’re always telling little embarrassing stories about your life, which I just love.

They’re just so I’m like, to me, that’s a huge part of podcasts. I don’t know. Maybe it’s cause this woman left me like this comment the other day, she’s like, this is the worst gardening show ever.

I’m you know, it’s just these two people having a conversation. I haven’t learned anything. And so I just like, I feel like that’s the best thing about podcasting is it is a conversation between two people.

I mean, my mom was like, it’s like getting to sit in the, you know, a fly on the wall somewhere. Like, I don’t know.

Anyway, tell us about if it’s supposed to be the lightening round, a fevered, like a reading material or book or magazine or a blog or something that you could recommend to listeners where they could learn more about this.


The FlowerLounge Podcast

Oh, well, it’s just this, you’re talking about podcasting and just feel like I’m going to bring up the FlowerLounge Podcast here. It’s not all about flowers that has a lot to do with like wellness and entrepreneurial ventures and, and that type of thing. But the underlying theme is personal growth and living your life on the edge and sort of pushing yourself to the next level and pushing yourself to think outside the box and just be open to new ideas. So the FlowerLounge Podcast, check it out.

Yeah. I think you guys will love it. I’ve just been really enjoying it. Did you want to share any business advice since you’ve spent the last 10 years? And a lot of my listeners are, you know, I called them green feature growers because some of them don’t even have, but they have like garden businesses, either they sell seeds or they, you know, so I don’t know, or they are educators or they have like composting businesses or they just do different things besides gardening.

And so I think they’re always interested in green jobs and how they can, you know, care for our planet at the same time, as you know, trying to make a

Business Advice

Yeah. I mean, I’m a huge fan. One of the top pieces of advice that I always tell people is that you figure it out as you go. And that’s really, you know, there’s nothing that you have to know ahead of time. You know, so many people will say, well, I want to start a business, but I don’t, I don’t know how and the truth is that none of us know how or knew how, or, you know, there’s, there are things I’ve been in business for 20 years, and there are things that I’m still figuring out on a daily basis. So don’t let thinking, you have to know more or be smarter in some area, stop you from starting your own business.

1 (1h 3m 22s):

Having a business is the business of figuring everything out, right? Most people who have MBAs come out and they, they are still as clueless as the rest of us in a good way. Right. It’s fresh. So I would say

0 (1h 3m 43s):

In today’s days, business advice, you know, what you knew about a business even five years ago might not be true tomorrow. I mean, things are shifting so much that you kind of have to just leap right in and try things.

1 (1h 3m 56s):

Exactly, exactly. And I think, you know, depending on what phase you’re at in your business, in the beginning, it’s a lot about just like throwing things on the wall and seeing what sticks it’s about really thinking outside the box, thinking of as many different ways that you can to try it. And then there is that kind of second step of tracking and measuring, like what actually really worked. And then when you see what it is that worked doing more of that and doing more of that and, you know, just keep refining the process and looking for new ways to reach people.

1 (1h 4m 29s):

And really, I think that passion and stubborn determination gets you really far. I had a conversation with the woman who runs our, we have a sister company called way of chocolate and, and she makes organic dark chocolate and puts flower essences and herbs and such into it. And she was saying like, you know, we were kind of commenting to each other about all the different things over the last 20 years. Like, Oh man, had we known how much work it was really going to be? You know, like we just had no idea.

1 (1h 5m 1s):

So, you know, just like I don’t, I do not come from a business background. I did not know anything about business. It took me a while to even figure out accounting, you know, like I went in clueless and stubborn determination, and just being really passionate about what you do and believing in yourself and knowing that you’ll figure out, you know, how to put one foot in front of the other. It takes you really far.

0 (1h 5m 30s):

Yeah. I was gonna say, I was like to the point where, like, you couldn’t even get me to walk into the business building. Like when I first went to college, cause I was an art major, I just thought business was the root of all evil, like capitalism. And just like, and then I don’t know what happened in 2012, I took this leadership class and like, I’ve been obsessed with business podcasts and learning everything I can about business ever since then. And I’m kind of like a natural entrepreneur. Like I’ve been trying to start my own business, not even really kind of realizing it since the early nineties, just, I started out with like a little hemp business trying to like the stupidest thing ever.

0 (1h 6m 9s):

Yeah. I’m going to teach myself how to show and then I’m going to sell things out of him. Like not knowing how to sew at all. Like, and yeah, I’m going to figure out how to shop and who knew. I mean, I eventually I can make you a flannel shirt or a shirt with the seems like it looks like it came from Walmart or JC Penney’s or whatever like that. I would eventually get to that point, but still did not. Yeah. There is show much to learn

in the business world and I’m jumping right in learning how to pivot. But I think the interesting thing, I was just listening to you, I’m Greg coonish, who’s the guy I’m working for on a podcast, seeing many of the same things.

0 (1h 6m 47s):

Like, you know, what, what made him successful with his podcasts he has now was like throwing all these things against the wall, seeing what stuck. And that was one of the things that stuck that he was surprised with. But the other thing he said was that when the things fall off the wall was I’m really looking at why did that fall off the wall? And you know, what could I do to make it stick? You know, why did it fail? What, what should I have done or what could I do? And then, you know, throwing it back up there and another way in trying another thing and just, I’m so glad you persisted, because I, I, I see that our world is going to be a better place, thanks to all the things that you’re putting out into it and just really love your work and everything I’ve been learning from you.

0 (1h 7m 32s):

And we’ll keep learning from you and, and all your passion.

1 (1h 7m 37s):

Thank you. And you know, I’m going to say one more thing as an encouragement to folks who want to start their own businesses, it is truly a growth of pur. It’s a truly a path of personal growth. It, you know, in terms of leadership, what you were saying, business teaches you about yourself more than anything. It’s like, if I look at what is the largest challenge in my business, it always links back to me. Like the business can only be as good as me. So it’s like really this practice that teaches self-awareness and the better I become as a person, the more things get ironed out in business.

1 (1h 8m 17s):

And I think that was the thing that surprised me the most I can relate to, you know, thinking, Oh man, you know, businesses get rid of all evils and it’s all corporate. And then when you, when I got into it, myself was like, Oh wow, this is actually more, I can do something like a spiritual path because business shows me where all of my weaknesses are as well as my potential for greatness. You’re so eloquent and just have so much knowledge to share.

1 (1h 8m 48s):

So are we ready for my final question? Yeah. Okay. So Katie, if there’s one change you would like to see to create a greener world, what would it be? For example, is there a charity or organization your passionate about or project you’d like to see put into action? Like what do you feel is the most crucial issue facing our planet in regards to the environment, either locally, nationally, or on a global scale? You know, I, I’m going to answer this and maybe a little bit different way. And that is, is there are so many things that I could get behind and support and do support.

1 (1h 9m 24s):

I really think at this point it boils down to self-awareness and that the greatest planetary change comes from within, I truly, truly believe that one of the most powerful ways we can create peace on this planet and preservation is changing ourselves from the inside out. I personally believe that each one of us is like a microcosm of the macro. And so it’s easy for me to point things out and say, Oh, you know, like this company is doing this and it’s wrong, or we need to do more of this.

1 (1h 10m 4s):

And in the end, I think where I find the most impact and satisfaction and something that’s actually in my control. Right. You know? Cause I feel like sometimes we get overwhelmed. It’s like, Oh my gosh, there’s so many things that man, you know, if you start going down the rabbit hole, it’s like we’re in a mess. And, and actually as one person, we can make a tremendous impact. And if we just look within, you know, that change changing from the inside out, when we become more kind, more loving, accepting, understanding patient clear, sharp, innovative that lasts for a lifetime.

1 (1h 10m 51s):

And it impacts all the people that we come in contact with and the effects, you know, this ripple effect has a huge impact. I’m going to share one more study with you was a 10 year longitudinal study coming out of France. I love to talk about this because it’s so inspiring. They showed that if your friends, friends, friend becomes wildly happy, it has more of a beneficial effect on you than if someone put $5,000 cash in your pocket.

1 (1h 11m 24s):

This is this someone that you don’t even know. So conversely, if you become wildly happy, it has more of a beneficial effect on your friend’s friend’s friend than if someone put $5,000 cash in their pocket. And it has an even more powerful effect. They found it in a closer geographical area. So like for example, you could be, you know, grooving out on the music, dancing naked in your bedroom. No one else knows, but you’re just like overflowing with joy and the fellow who lives a block down the street, who just retired and is now depressed and wondering what he’s going to do with the rest of his life.

1 (1h 12m 1s):

And he’s mowing the lawn suddenly gets hit by this wave of joy. That’s coming from you. I feel like there are so many ways that we can impact the world with our own state of mind. That’s just, it’s right here in every moment. And it’s something that we have command and control over. And I think that’s going to be the fastest way to bring about change. You know, that his holiness, the Dalai Lama always says world peace begins with inner peace.

1 (1h 12m 34s):

And I’m a firm believer of that. And in all the same token, I just want to congratulate and appreciate and honor all of your listeners for gardening. Because on that same token, I feel like I believe you having your own garden, that’s enhancing the earth, right? It’s it’s that kind of change from within changing the world from the inside out that is tremendously impactful. And just because it isn’t necessarily something that we can see or quantify doesn’t mean that it isn’t wildly powerful.

0 (1h 13m 15s):

Oh, that was so perfect. Katie, you are just one of the most eloquent and intelligent, knowledgeable. I love that you have these scientific studies and just listeners. We didn’t even touch a lot of white Katie sharing and what she talks about in the book and just how much she’s learned. And I just really encourage you to, you know, read her book and go to her website, listen to the podcast and just more, learn more about this because how great is that if you can smile more and you can feel better inside that you will be having that impact.

0 (1h 13m 52s):

And I would not, it does not surprise me at all. I mean, maybe a little, but that would have that much of an impact that far out. Like I can see how you being happier would make your friends or your family happier, but that your friend’s friend’s friend becomes happier is that’s really cool. And go ahead and tell us, how do they find the flower lounge podcast in your website and order your amazing lectures and sprees and just different things. Like, I just love that when you send me like the lemon balm, what is it?

0 (1h 14m 25s):

It’s just so good. And I just, I use that five times a day all the time. So I wasn’t sure I’m also super excited to know that, like I just put those tinctures in my water bottle because one of my things I’ve been doing this summer is I hooked up with this nutritionist and she’s like, I have to have 32 ounces of water down by 2:00 PM. And then I’m supposed to have the other 32 ounces down by APM. So I’m drinking a ton more water. So it’s cool that I can just put it in there.

1 (1h 14m 49s):

Yes. And I’ve noticed that when I put flower essences and water, I have much more of a desire to drink it. It’s really interesting. Ooh, cool. Like a helps you stay hydrated. Yeah. So you can find the whole world of flower magic at Lotus way on our website. It’s Lotus like the flower and then w e.com we’re on all the social media channels. Podcast is pretty much in every place. You can find podcasts under the flower lounge. And I invite people to come and discover this wild and woolly world of flowers that can act as mirrors into our own hearts.

0 (1h 15m 30s):

Oh, thanks Katie. Okay. You have a wonderful day.

1 (1h 15m 34s):

Thanks Jackie. It was really fun. You asked great, great questions. And you have a, such a, don’t let that one comment drag you down. You have such a sortable joy down to earth that you’re great at interviewing. You’re really good at it. So,

Katie Hess

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Flowerevolution- Blooming into Your Full Potential with the Magic of Flowers

Flowerevolution: Blooming into Your Full Potential with the Magic of Flowers

Well, the cool part is that my all time ultimate dream is to be a children’s book biographer. And I feel like, you know, doing all these interviews is just practice for that kind of thing.


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About the author, Jackie Marie

I'm an artist and educator. I live at the "Organic Oasis" with my husband Mike where we practice earth friendly techniques in our garden nestled in the mountains of Montana.

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