replay of 86. Patti Armbrister | Garden and Agriculture Educator Extraordinaire Changing how our schools eat one cafeteria at a time | Hinsdale, MT | Part 2
This episode was originally published on October 8, 2015. Patti Armbrister is an educator and policy changer who looks for positive solutions to producing and eating locally grown food in our schools. She teaches agricultural education in a rural school but is making change that affects our farmers, students, and families as she connects locally grown healthy food with nutrition and education. This phenomenal speaker and farmer who is also a self-proclaimed “beef geek” shares her story of getting recognizable meat and real potatoes into the school cafeteria. Be inspired to make change in your local school district by learning about the wellness committee, food miles, and how change in our food systems starts at home.
94: Ryan Pesch | Lida Farm: Good Food, Grown Well | Farmer’s Markets, a CSA and a new Winter Passive Solar Greenhouse Ryan shares his Organic Gardening Journey | Pelican Rapids, MN
Ryan Pesch is the extension agent for the University of Minnesota as well as a husband and father of 3 children and owner of Lida Farm. Ryan shares his extensive knowledge after over a decade of farming organically and providing produce for multiple Farmer’s Markets, CSA shares and building community. This year he even added a new passive solar greenhouse which he describes how to build in detail. He shares great resources, expert advice and first hand knowledge of how to succeed on a small farm. See Full Show notes at
86. Patti Armbrister | Garden and Agriculture Educator Extraordinaire Changing how our schools eat one cafeteria at a time | Hinsdale, MT
Patti Armbrister is an educator and policy changer who looks for positive solutions to producing and eating locally grown food in our schools. She teaches agricultural education in a rural school but is making change that affects our farmers, students, and families as she connects locally grown healthy food with nutrition and education. After building a passive solar green house and root cellar in the Hinsdale Outdoor Classroom, this phenomenal speaker and farmer who is also a self-proclaimed “beef geek” shares her story of getting recognizable meat and real potatoes into the school cafeteria. Be inspired to make change in your local school district by learning about the wellness committee, food miles, and how change in our food systems starts at home. Full show notes at