Replay of Episode 123: Howard Garrett | the Dirt Doctor | Organic Lawn Care | Dallas/FortWorth, TX
Replay Ep 123: Howard Garrett | the Dirt Doctor | Organic Lawn Care | Dallas/FortWorth, TX originally published 3/22/2016
organic lawn care
This morning I got an email from a member of my audience who said he’d been listening to my recent 2-part episode 120 with Liz Krieg where we were talking about Organic Lawn Care. I mentioned, wouldn’t it be nice if someone started a certification for landscapers so they could teach their customers? Probably the biggest lesson I have actually learned since I started this podcast is how toxic people’s lawns are where toddlers and dogs play and learn to crawl! And Jon Moore from Australia from the World Organic News who started his own podcast you might want to listen to! And in episode 39 of the Organic Gardener Podcast Angie Shcnieder from the Schneider Peeps said:
Who or what inspired you to start using organic techniques?
… The Dirt Doctor in Fort Worth Texas had a radio show on Saturday mornings who specialized in Texas Growing. Howard Garrett which is where we learned the most in the beginning.
How did you learn how to garden organically?
Yes from reading his books for pest and disease control his books have been very helpful. His book Texas Bug Book: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, was very helpful.
Organic Lawn Care by Howard Garrett
Texas Bug Book • The Good the Bad and the Ugly – Howard Garrett
Organic Certification Landscaping Class
Teaching Natural Organic Certification Classes at the Texas Organic Research Center Howard Garrett aka the Dirt Doctor is on a mission to make everyone go Organic starting today with Organic Lawn Care!
Tell us a little about yourself.
Well, I started in the golf course and landscape business a long time ago after getting out of the Marine Corps, back in 1972! is when it all got started
I actually started my radio show and column in the Dallas Morning News, since 1989!
Back in the day when we started, I didn’t know, anything about organic gardening at all. My daughter Logan who became the announcer on my show in second grade and she still is … Is the reason I converted over, I saw her do what all kids do, she put things in her mouth …she was the reason I, started looking into organic gardening, I had no idea what organic gardening meant. I knew the basics of what people did vegetable gardning ag type things, and I converted those ideas over to landscaping. I read everything I could get my hands on, and develpoed my own techniques.
The fascinating part was how easy it was, landscaping has more tolerance, if you foul up with food crops you lose your whole thing, where with landscaping if you fail, you just pick yourself up and dust yourself off.
And not only that, more people have lawns, I mean everybody has a lawn, ok not everybody has a lawn, but way more people have lawns then gardens!!!
Full show notes coming soon!
Final question- if there was one change you would like to see to create a greener world what would it be? For example is there a charity or organization your passionate about or a project you would like to see put into action. What do you feel is the most crucial issue facing our planet in regards to the environment either in your local area or on a national or global scale?
The non-profit Texas Organic Research that we’re associated with, people help to contribute it does not have a lot of recess
Municipal Organic Lawn Care
If cities could do one thing, push everything in this direciton. They would make it illegal for homeowners, to put on the curb in leaves and bags and ground up tree trimmings to take to the landfill. They just simply stop doing that, and force to get home owners to use those on their own sites. IT would
- it would save tax money
- it would improve the property owners, as people used it as much.
If course, there would need to be some set up for people who just couldn’t do that didn’t have the resources, were handicapped or old, etc.
- makes them be used…
- saves tax dollars helps everybody across the board.
- leaves, trees grassclippings…
So just to make sure its the Texas Organic Research
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