The year ahead starts with a trip down memory lane ~ Mike’s Green Garden 2007-2014 some highlights

2018SpringGardenJournalCVR2I’m working on a new version of the 2018 garden journal called the 2018 Spring Garden Journal that just covers March through December to come out on the first day of spring! And guess what it will only be $8.95 total. Amazing what just taking a 2 months out made!

But I wanted to add some planning ideas and advice if I could. Not much because its supposed to be your journal but a bit about what Mike will be doing. So I’m asking him what he would be doing and it hit me look at our past pictures. So here’s some of our garden journey photos over the last years.

This is March 17. 2007 in the plasticked in porch


Broccolis. We have similar broccolis this year as well.


A window sill of starts

By April First he’s really expanding!


April 2nd


This is April 11th and then finished in June!DSCN5096.JPG


This is June 4th. DSCN5160Somethings coming up on April 11th 2007


Mike’s amazing rock work, if I tried this everything would fall over after the first day.

Deep Bed Building 101


Build rock barrier and fill with best dirt you can get your hands on. April 14, 2007

Do you have your garden goals in mind? If you need help check out our FREE Garden Goals Challenge for 2018DSCN5117.JPG

Deer Fence

Install • April 14, 2011

Now that’s a lot of work!


262 feet of Deer fence working like a charm as long as you remember to keep the gate shut!



This would be April 20, 2017 carrots sprouting I think or maybe baby lettuce.

DSCN5119.JPGOh maybe they’re radishes…


Back in the greenhouse marigolds, snapdragons, peppers and eggplants get ready to transplant outside when it finally warms up.

snap dragons, marigolds, peppers and eggplants

DSCN5145Blanket flowers

Here’s Mike and our granddaughter transplanting at the end of May 2011


Bean Teepee in early spring and full grown in September.


Canterbury Bells Perennials Blooming in Late August. It’s always good to plan for what will bloom when color wise and put the tallest plants in the back.

Canterbury Bells Perennials August 17, 2011


This Delphinium was prolific for many years full of lots of dark purple blooms!

June 15, 2012 my chives are one of the first to bloom for pollinators and beneficials


More memories over the years as I plan for next year and create the 2018 Spring Garden Journal.

Bee on oregano

This is July 21, 2016 a bee collects pollen from my everblooming Oregano

Mike's little bee creek

Mike built this sweet little bee creek and runs water over it part of the day in the shade and moss grows for the bees to have a place to drink. This is the best water feature in our garden. You could easily have a goal to build one that is only 3 feet long in your yard and provide water for the bees.


Pear Tree Blooming May 2016

Bees also love this pear tree blooming about May 3, 2016


About the author, Jackie Marie

I'm an artist and educator. I live at the "Organic Oasis" with my husband Mike where we practice earth friendly techniques in our garden nestled in the mountains of Montana.

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