The GREEN Organic Gardener Podcast December 2019

Are you wondering why we are rebranding ourselves as the GREEN Organic Gardener Podcast? Listen here to learn what’s new! Get ready for our first episode as the Green Organic Gardener Podcast where Jeff Lowenfels author of Teaming with Microbes, Teaming With Nutrients and Teaming With Fungi and his new book on DIY Cannabis, from…

211: Hydroponics Garden of Eden Kit | Hope Innovations | Ryan Agrey, Alberta, CANADA

Hey listeners just an update, the original file of this had a space in the beginning for like 23 seconds… I fixed it now so if you refresh or delete and reload this should come up as episode 211 and be correct! SORRY! Another Rockstar Millennial is going to be my featured guest today to talk to us about his business Hope is a new up and growing hydroponic business who has developed an indoor garden that will grow anything you wish, anytime of the year, anywhere. Does not matter the size of your place,season it is or the type of plant. It is an easy affordable system that gives anyone the opportunity to grow their own healthy chemical free food.