Native Landscape Design | Prairie Nursery | Interview 288 with Neil Diboll | Westfield WI
From brown thumb to green thumb! | Listen to my Organic Gardener Podcast journey on the High Energy Girl Show!
The 49th Annual Spring Plant Sale | Clark Botanic Garden Auxiliary | Albertson • Long Island, NY
The Clark Botanic Garden Auxiliary Presents The 49th Annual Spring Plant Sale just in time for Mother’s Day!Featuring Native Plants: Annuals, Perennials, Herbs, Hanging Baskets, Trees & Shrubs, Vegetables The Fanny Dwight Clark Memorial Garden, Inc.
193 I. U. Willets Rd
Albertson, NY 11507
phone 516.484.2208
Friday, May 11th and Saturday, May 12th
Friday, 10 am – 6 pm, Saturday, 10 am – 4 pm
Free Admission – Rain or Shine – cash or check only
Garden Gossip about Native Plants | Nancy J. Reid and Lisa D. Smith from Big Blend Radio | Tuscon, AZ
Replay of 50. David Salman | Horticulturist and Xericsape Expert – Native Landscaping | Sante Fe, NM
This episode was originally published June 1, 2015 but I am replaying it because we talked about similar concepts etc on Monday’s episode with Mark Highland and I thought this would be a good fit this week. David Salman, founder and chief Horticulturist at High Country Gardens, has spent over 25 years in pursuit of better plants for eco-friendly landscapes.