Replay of my interview with Julia Shanks author of the Farmer’s Office

Farmer's Office book

Since I talked about Julia Shanks last week during my interview with Ellen Polishuk I thought I’d replay it here. Author of the The Farmer’s Office: Tools, Tips and Templates to Successfully Manage a Growing Farm Business is here today to share her brilliance and talk about her new course the Farmer’s Edge starting January 11th, 2017!

188. Veggie Vinder | Local produce for global communities | Hyperlocal economy | Sam Lillie | Port Townsend, WA

Sam Lillie Vinder Founder

Mentioned by Mike the Gardener in tonights episode I thought I’d replay my interview with the amazing Sam Lillie the CEO and Founder of Vinder is going to be a household name someday and we will all say how did we live without it? Connecting local growers with local eaters he takes hyperlocal food production to a new level.

replay of 135. Greenbuilt Hemp Homes | Jim Savage | Hudson Valley, NY

hemp homes tiny+ greenbuilt homes

Since we’re talking about hemp I thought I would replay this interview too! Jim Savage from Greenbuilt Hemp Homes is here to share his dream to change the world by creating a healthier planet for his grandchildren to grow up in. After studying the multiple uses and benefits of the amazing hemp plant for concrete, insulation, food, material and clothing, plastics and paper he took his knowledge of supply.

Replay of 189. Beginner’s Garden Podcast | Journey with Jill Blog | Jill McSheehy

Journey with Jill

I’m replaying my interview with Jill Host of The Beginner’s Garden Podcast and blog Journey with Jill because she mentioned the book Epic Tomatoes by Craig LeHouiller and he’s tomorrow’s episode so I thought it would be good to play her episode too! Jill McSheehy is here from the Beginner’s Garden Podcast and the blog Journey with Jill to share her gardening expertise.And believe me she drops some golden seeds in this episode!

Replay of 45 Farm-To-Table Advocate | Joyce Friend Pinson | Friends Drift Inn | Appalachia, Kentucky

Joyce Friend Pinson Farm-To-Table Advocate

Joyce Friend Pinson is a farm-to-table advocate. With a background in agriculture, media and small business Joyce shares real life stories about heirloom gardening, cooking, sampling and food preservation. A baby-boomer living in Appalachia, Kentucky. She is a local television host, writes a regional column and blogs on her website Friends Drift Inn. Full of fun, giggles and valuable information I’d like to welcome to our show the entertaining Joyce Pinson.