301. Appropedia – | Lonny Grafman | To Catch the Rain | Humboldt State University, CA

Forever Humboldt U Lonny Graffman

Appropedia is for collaborative solutions in sustainability, appropriate technology, poverty reduction, and permaculture. To Catch The Rain Tell us a little about yourself. So, I’m an instructor at Humble State University in far northern California. to make real projects all around the world in summers we’re teaching in other countries India Dominican Republic Mexico El…

299. Permaculture Soil Science & Solutions | Matt Powers returns | ThePermacultureStudent.com

Permaculture Soil Science & Solutions KICKSTARTER campaign Matt Powers Rockstar Millennial, high school English and Social Studies Teacher, and Permacutlure Curriculum designer is here to share his amazing journey and passion to teach everyone he can reach about the power of permaculture. Working with some of the most scientific names in the field including Elaine Ingham, David Montgomery and the Geoff Lawton Matt is on a mission to change the way we look at soil in the 21st century.

Replay of interview 132 with The Permaculture Student | Matt Powers | Yosemite and Fresno, CA

Permaculture Student Online Course High School

Matt Powers is an experienced teacher, family guy, author, consultant, farmer, seed saver, plant breeder, musician, blogger, & permaculturist and creator of the permaculture student curriculum and online course.

The Permaculture Student Curriculum is focused on starting resilient small businesses and homesteads from scratch. Students of all ages and families learn through weekly collections of videos, worksheets, coloring pages, projects, activities, & critical thinking with teacher’s guides, recipes, plant focus, seed saving, & Q&A. www.organicgardenerpodcast.com

96. Alison Parker | Radical Root Farm | Healthy Soil and Permaculture Success from Food Forest to CSA | Libertyville, IL

The Radical Root Farm is a small family farm located in Libertyville, Illinois north of Chicago. Radical Root Farm has a unique story because they got started by graduating from the Farm Business Development Center at the Prairie Crossing Farm and the Liberty Prairie Foundation.
See Full Show notes at www.orgaincgardenerpodcast.com

28: Kelly Ware | Permaculture Global | Bigfork, MT

Kelly took her PDC, permaculture design course in 98 with CRMPI Central Rocky Mountain Perm. institute, and also with Michael Pilarski. Kelly has been a constant podcast listener for the last 2.5 years starting with Paul Wheaton of www.permies.com, Scott Mann of www.thepermaculturepodcast.com (Of which I have an interview with him Feb of 2014 on permaculture and the Kingdom,-Christianity) www.sustainableworldradio.com with Jill Cloutier.…