202. Off Grid with Doug and Stacy | Homesteaders and YouTubers | Northern Missouri

Off Grid With DOUG and STACY youtube channel

We have a youtube channel called Off the Grid with Doug and Stacy. Basically we post daily videos about our daily life. We built a log cabin in 90 days from scratch. Built it with no carpentry skills. We have an organic garden with raised beds. We use the Back to Eden method. This year we just built a greenhouse to extend our season. https://organicgardenerpodcast.com/202-off-grid-doug-youtubers-doug-stacy/

replay 134. Gardening A Complete Diet | Grow Bio-intensive.org | Bountiful Gardens Seeds | Jes Pearce

Bio-intensive Backyard Gardening

Jes Pearce is another one of those amazing rockstar millennials who do exciting things while being advocates for the planet and great stewards of our land here today to inspire you with her story! Coming to us from the Jevin’s Center for Research and Education sharing passion and knowledge that’s gonna get you excited to dig in that dirt right now!
The Growbiointesnive.org says their mission is to: “is to train people worldwide to better feed themselves while conserving resources” Get ready to here about the bio-intensive 8 step method, crops you can grow for a complete diet in your backyard garden with a little power adventuring thrown in! www.organicgardenerpodcast.com

167. Grow Ohio Valley | Black Swan Organics | Danny Swan | Wheeling, OH

Farmer's Market Mobile Food Truck

I know you are going to love this guest from Black Swan Organics and Grow Ohio Valley, a nonprofit organization working to improve food justice in Appalachia. Grow Ohio Valley is working to fashion a new economic landscape, one offering increased prosperity, improved health and a better environment.What a great guest to follow up after Jean-Martin Fortier because Danny Swan is basically doing everything JM Talked about and growing delicious nutrient dense food. A great educator and farmer you are going to love this episode as much as I did! www.organicgardenerpodcast.com