Replay of 189. Beginner’s Garden Podcast | Journey with Jill Blog | Jill McSheehy

Journey with Jill

I’m replaying my interview with Jill Host of The Beginner’s Garden Podcast and blog Journey with Jill because she mentioned the book Epic Tomatoes by Craig LeHouiller and he’s tomorrow’s episode so I thought it would be good to play her episode too! Jill McSheehy is here from the Beginner’s Garden Podcast and the blog Journey with Jill to share her gardening expertise.And believe me she drops some golden seeds in this episode!

Replay of 163. | FARMWORKS BUILDERS| Creating Green Jobs and Helping Green Entrepreneurs | Chris West | Ann Arbor, Michigan

FarmWorks Chris And Xiyam West

I hope your excited to learn about an innovator green job creator and advocate for sustainable agriculture who’s growing businesses Farmworks Ann Arbor and Farmworks Builders will inspire and excite you to know someone else out there is working to help change our world by educating communities, protecting our environment, creating jobs and growing healthy nutritious food all at the same time! Originally published Dec 26, 2016 Since I’ve been talking about deep beds I thought this was a good episode to play for the new year and the 2018 garden goals challenge!

replay 134. Gardening A Complete Diet | Grow | Bountiful Gardens Seeds | Jes Pearce

Bio-intensive Backyard Gardening

Jes Pearce is another one of those amazing rockstar millennials who do exciting things while being advocates for the planet and great stewards of our land here today to inspire you with her story! Coming to us from the Jevin’s Center for Research and Education sharing passion and knowledge that’s gonna get you excited to dig in that dirt right now!
The says their mission is to: “is to train people worldwide to better feed themselves while conserving resources” Get ready to here about the bio-intensive 8 step method, crops you can grow for a complete diet in your backyard garden with a little power adventuring thrown in!