310. Cindy Ondish | Master Gardener • Listener | Conneaut, Ohio
Hi Jackie!
I am a new listener who has been (vegetable) gardening all my life & in the last few years added fruit trees to my repartee. I live in NW PA, tho my garden is about 30 miles away in Conneaut, Ohio, a few blocks South of Lake Erie. I listened to the show with Melissa K. Norris today & enjoyed it very much. I will definitely be listening more! (& I entered the book give away, too!)
Keep up the good work!
Cindy Ondish
Tell us a little about yourself.
The way this weird situation started is a long story
where I live in NW PA I had a garden
trees grew up
we live amongst woods
My garden got worse and worse eveyryeareveryyear
tomato plans around my house
separate from this
my husband bought a place
boat garage
lot with weeds taller then me
hacked them down with a cycle
he noticed there was an asparagus
there’s where my garden is
the ground is like a gardener’s dream
person who owned it before was friends
there’s my garden
I resisted the whole thing a bit of the time
nothing grows at my house because there is no light
we’re there all the time in the summer
we cleared an acre out of the woods
some of it I want to turn back to woods
didn’t want to cut anymore down
such a gradual thing
I will
always had tomato plants around the house
pepper plants
pots on the deck
it was ok
I guess if I do raised beds
right in the middle of the lawn
gradual thing
how wonderful this stuff grows
I came from an Italian family
everyone grew tomatoes
which is weird
we canned teammates
we ate a lot of pasta
that’s all I really knew
he came over on the boat from Italy
knew about other plants
my first garden
out of college
live in an apartment and stuff
as soon as I had space
I did
I have a lot of house plants
I have kind of a green thumb
good place to grow then at that time
I grew corn
whole range of things, my family never grew
so nice
feel like you can take care of yourself
I am going to the store
can it
grow it and can it
as I had my children
got bigger
trying to feed them
knew what I was feeding
Tell me about your first gardening experience?
How did you learn how to garden organically?
Tell us about something that grew well this year.
I was head over heels in love with parsnips
always had good luck growing parsnips
I know now my garden was such clay
even thought I tried to work things in it
if they dry out
once they dry out they’re dead
old timer
teaching me how to grow parsnips
never eaten a warship
boiling water on them
board over top
never did the top
mine would grow
because my ground was so nasty and wet
so I have been trying to grow them in my good garden
mulching them
could not get parsnips to grow
bummed out of it
more that I read
what do I have to lose
let them start sprouting on the sink
tedious job of picking up the sprouts
biggest most beautiful
start them first
plant them
plant them
pour boiling water over the row
seeds make them float to the top
waxy coating that has to get through the coating
worked because my ground was so wet
didn’t drain
new garden is drains
my husband introduced them to me
cravings for them
bounty of parsnips
we started out
my husband cooks everything starting with a stick of butter
long pieces
cut out the center bitter center
fry them in a butter
carrots and potatoes
quicker then the carrots did
then I wanted to try
cutting them in kind f chunks
brushing them with butter
get them with a little crisp
brushed over the top of them
butternut squash
Is there something you would do different next year or want to try/new?
I’m just excited for the whole garden
minimize my tomato planting
end of the year
I have tomatoes rotting on the plants
do some trellising
last year I got some of that fencing that they use
orange fencing where they are tying to keep people way
I found some that was green!
plastic fencing
just do something on the chap
put up posts
big giant U
put tomato plants
I have been using stakes
never wove them through the fencing as they grew
shoots off
between the plants
sit between the rows
didn’t have to sit in the sun
people laughed at me
beach umbrella
20 feet long
just wide enough for the beech umbrella
moved it along with
Tell me about something that didn’t work so well this season.
Actually last year my russell sprints
little tin
2 different spots
giant mulberry tree
shades late in the afternoon
cold weather plants like Brussels sprouts
didn’t get any cauliflower
watch how you rotate things
try to make sure my garden
make sure I don’t do that
good rule of thumb
above ground
different bugs you can get
started planted flowers in my garden too
bring the pollinators in
might eat
I don’t think I did last year
this year again
before I started my garden
minimal the things we had to
how big is your garden
yes, I haven’t had a whole lot of luck with onions
I tried
haven’t had a lot of luck with that
use basil
don’t grow a lot of herbs
garlic a few years ago
whole education needed there
once you harvest your garlic
to process it
how do you do this
watch youtube videos
edu websites
pulled it
cooked it
didn’t dry it
so that the stuff I initially used
aired it for too long
dried up by the time I used it again
my garlic
it’s easy to grow it
have to know
Which activity is your least favorite activity to do in the garden?
I really don’t it almost hurts me to see things rotting on the vine
figure out what I want to grow
I’m not good at starting my own plants
that little thing I should probably throw it away
end up with way too many plants
control myself
plant what I think I can really harvest and use
hate to see things rotting
find a food bank or something
mixed result
What is your favorite activity to do in the garden?
harvesting of course
with my fruit trees
I love to prune
I could weed all day long
suns going down
lost in pruning
an old throw cushion
make perfect kneeling pads
crazy expensive
use the boat fusion
handle on the side
take that around
as I am rooting
cold water
turn some music on
I’m good
music and water
something nice to
What is the best gardening advice you have ever received?
I thought about this, I can not think of anything specific
find things myself
parsnip advice was good
I hear things
grow what you like to eat
things like try something new
I tried kohlrabi last year
I tried it and didn’t really care for it
cook looking to grow
specific gem I received from anyone
gardeners are such awesome people
share and help
just sitting to you and talking to other gardeners
good advice
something new to try
one thing
so many
A favorite tool that you like to use? If you had to move and could only take one tool with you what would it be.
about a 40 minute drive from my house
weather’s bad we hang out and play
need to get there earlier in the day
not much of a morning person
before it gets really hot
A favorite recipe you like to cook from the garden?
actually I discovered
it is wonderful
you can eat it and not feel so bloated and heavy
I’ve been making that
you can use this with whatever
brocoli peppers
put in the pan with tomatoes
seem it
moisture in there
tomato will cook
pull the skins off the tomatoes
becomes like the base
sprinkle cheese over the top of it
mixing different vegetables
I have a little bit of this
A favorite Podcast?
I love Joe Gardener
he also has a tv show
ever Saturday
he has a really good podcast
you bet your garden
Mike McGrath
out of Philly
gets a call in show
you never know what you are going to hear
ask him questions you will
topic of the day
A favorite internet resource?
penn state has a lot of ag things too
I look there
anything that ends in edu
more researched based
A favorite reading material-book, mag, blog/website etc you can recommend?
lasagna gardening
do layers on a raised bed
organic gardening magazine
Final question- if there was one change you would like to see to create a greener world what would it be? For example is there a charity or organization your passionate about or a project you would like to see put into action? What do you feel is the most crucial issue facing our planet in regards to the environment either in your local area or on a national or global scale?
My charity is arbor day
plant trees
we need to plant trees
and up
try to
not use so much plastic
really hard not to use plastic I’ve tried
minimize how things are just so throw away
cheaper to buy something new then get it fixed
do actually have a shoe maker that works out of his house
try to reuse whatever I can
globally we need to concentrate
everybody go out and vote and vote climate
we can do our own little thing
lot more of a global effort
us is kind of lagging as far as that goes we need to change that
plant trees
even lawns
acreage of lans then national park
took small part of their lawn
planted flowers
or milkweed for the monarchs
something not grass
everybody could make a difference
combined would be a big
Do u have an inspiration tip or quote to help motivate our listeners to reach into that dirt and start their own garden?
I think scientific studies have shown that being out in nature is good for you
find to do that
growing flowers
go ahead if you want to grow
vegetables more my passion
grow whatever makes you feel good
never had a garden
been in the woods
experience where they don
t can’t even impinge being so separated from nature
be in the house
feel that connection
I’m a master gardener
grow peanuts
lets’ all try it
I actually got peanuts
pulled the plants
they were good! They tasted like better
they were small
no they were easy to harvest
pull the plant
hang to dry
they didn’t all grow
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