replay of 135. Greenbuilt Hemp Homes | Jim Savage | Hudson Valley, NY

hemp homes tiny+ greenbuilt homes

Since we’re talking about hemp I thought I would replay this interview too! Jim Savage from Greenbuilt Hemp Homes is here to share his dream to change the world by creating a healthier planet for his grandchildren to grow up in. After studying the multiple uses and benefits of the amazing hemp plant for concrete, insulation, food, material and clothing, plastics and paper he took his knowledge of supply.

Replay of episode 162. Tasteful Nutrient Dense Gardening | Vermiculture | Denny Krahe Returns | Central Florida

diz runs podcast

I thought I would republish this episode from last winter on December 22, 2016 because with the 2018 Garden Goals Challenge and I’ve been running at the gym, and I think I’m gonna sign up for the Missoula 1/2 marathon this summer I thought it would be a good interview to replay. Plus I love Denny’s vermiculture advice! Denny Krahe from Florida shares golden seeds about Vermiculture: worm composting and tasteful nutrient dense gardening from an athlete’s point of view.